“8 Recruiting Productivity Hacks to Save Time, Lower Your Stress, and Allow You to Read ‘War and Peace’ (Kidding).” – LinkedIn Talent Solutions Blog

Samantha McLaren took to the LinkedIn Talent Solutions blog to share her piece “8 Recruiting Productivity Hacks to Save Time, Lower Your Stress, and Allow You to Read ‘War and Peace’ (Kidding).”

In the staffing industry, we oftentimes have so many moving parts to keep track of no matter where we sit in the organization. It’s easy to waste time on rote tasks or things we simply could be better optimizing. McLaren took the time to share how to 8 “hacks” to enhance our desks:

  1. Track how long you spend on each activity 
  2. Prioritize and set a plan for the day
  3. Get your email life in order
  4. Turn tasks over to AI
  5. Use an automated calendar tool 
  6. Experiment with productivity techniques
  7. Save candidate updates for designated periods 
  8. Make time for self-care

The goal here is not to “compromise on quality to gain speed. Become better and more efficient at your job by making simple changes that have a powerful impact.”

Learn more about each tip in the full article here!