In 2023, MeeDerby fell into the top 25% of LinkedIn Recruiter teams!
This is calculated based on the size of the team relative to how active they were on the platform, the number of searches performed, the number of candidates viewed and InMail acceptance rates.
Linkedin is our company’s main recruitment platform and our biggest audience, so we are grateful to be in the top quartile of companies who utilized Linkedin Recruiter.
This distinction wouldn’t be possible without our stellar team:
Robin Mee, Kim Whiteley, Eliza Deang, Jennifer Tucker, Sue Jagan, Jill Balick, Jim Alesio, Walter Shedd, Kamille Chilcutt, Anisha Fernandes, Laurie Fields, Amanda Robbins, Lauren Fenech, and Jack Jobst
#staffingindustry #staffingandrecruiting #linkedinrecruiter #TalentMVTeam2023 #executivesearch #leadershipsearch